
A Week in Review

Monday's Cast:
  • a pudgy young girl (no older than 10) wearing PlayBoy bunny earrings and an ill fitting shirt who I believe at one point back talked to her mother
  • a could be pregnant girl (it's hard to tell some days with the way girls carry that belly fat) and her ever present house arrest anklet
  • a much older woman rocking the fake rocawear tee (definitely too old for that type of attire)
I don't know why it surprises me that a mother would let her daughter wear such earrings, but I guess some parents just don't care anymore.  

Tuesday's Tomfoolery:
  • my favorite - a gentleman in a suit wearing a colt's blue undershirt carrying a small TV AND...wait for it...a child's powder puff girl umbrella.  
The ride to work this morning was...I don't even know what word to describe it.  A few of the bus drivers have hit on me, but today when the driver approached the main stop downtown he got up and sat next to me and blocked me in and asked if I would accompany him to Expo.  All I could do was laugh nervously.  I told him I didn't do Expo and he responded by telling me that all I would have to do was ride in his car with him (because it was going to be the hottest one there).  I'm sorry, I'm not arm candy.  And I'm not that girl who cares about what kind of car you drive.  I reluctantly gave him my number (he's the bus driver...he could get me banned from the bus, I try to play to nice.)


"This bus is full, you'll have to get the next bus."  The bus driver to the passengers waiting at the stop.  She didn't even bother to slow down and the bus was no where near full.  I believe she said this into the PA system...but then again she could've just been talking to those of us on the bus.  *shrugs*

Thursday (today):

Pretty tame ride today.  Just a few drivers who cut the bus off causing the driver to honk the horn wildly.  Not driving fast enough: honk, honk, honk.  Cut her off:  honk, honk, honk.  Sees another bus: honk, honk, honk.

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